UK French Bulldog Health of Breed Information

UK French Bulldog Health of Breed Information
UK French Bulldog Health of Breed Information

UK French Bulldog Health of Breed Information

ChubbaChops UK French Bulldog Breeder rates the UK French Bulldog as a 3 out of 5 for Health of Breed.

Some breeds are known to suffer from specific hereditary and congenital health issues, although good breeding practices go a long way in reducing the risk of a dog developing a genetic disorder.

With this said, not all dogs will develop a hereditary disorder during the course of their lives, but the risk is greatly increased if they are not bred responsibly.

ChubbaChops UK French Bulldog Breeder recommends that potential new owners ask breeders about any genetic diseases that are known to affect the breed and request the results of any DNA and other tests that have been carried out on the parent dogs before they decide to buy a puppy.

ChubbaChops UK French Bulldog Breeder rates the “French Bulldog” as a 3 out of 5 for “Health of Breed

Rating = 1 Poor
Rating = 2 Below Average
Rating = 3 Average
Rating = 4 Good
Rating = 5 Exceptional


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By ChubbaChops

ChubbaChops French Bulldog Breeder